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Basketball Medals



President - Jayson Newman [0407 530 727]

Vice President - Troy Kelberg

Secretary / Social Media - Belinda Evans

Treasurer - Kellie Donald

Training Coordinator - Amanda Wintle

General Committee

Britta Reynolds

Sue Virgona

Tammy Lewis

Tim Gallichan


The Leopold Lakers Basketball Club would not be possible with out the help provided by volunteers on our committee. If you believe you can contribute or help in any way, we invite you to join us at one of our monthly meetings. We are a friendly bunch and welcome new ideas. For more information please contact the club.


Position Descriptions

The President is responsible for:

  • Formally representing the club where required.

  • Ensuring the club meets its responsibilities to the members, relevant associations, and the wider community.

  • Ensuring the club achieves its desired objectives.

  • Managing all club activities with the support of the committee; including but not limited to presentations, events, open days, registration days and fundraising events.

  • Remains well informed about all club activities including the financial position.

  • Having a good working knowledge and understanding of Policy and Procedure Manual and the duties of all office holders.

  • To assist with the management of all grievance issues in conjunction with the Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO).

  • Oversee and assist in the appointment, training and ongoing support of coaches and team managers

  • Chairing the committee meetings, ensuring that the meeting agenda is followed and conducted according to accepted meeting procedures, and ensuring all club matters are discussed and the best decisions are made in a timely manner.

  • Provide a President’s report for all committee meetings.

  • Oversee and supervise all teams, coaches, and team managers to ensure all club members are receiving adequate and appropriate support from the club.

  • Oversee the club as a whole and ensure that all associated parties are productively representing the club, upholding the club’s desired objectives and working effectively as a team and in the spirit of goodwill


Vice - President
The Vice - President is responsible for:

  • Directly assisting the President in the management of the club.

  • Performing the role of the President in the Presidents absence.


The Secretary is responsible for:

  • Organizing committee meetings including room bookings, producing and distributing agendas and minutes and collating committee reports.

  • Following up on progress with meeting action items.

  • Maintaining copies of all inward and outward correspondence.

  • Monitoring the club’s emails and distributing correspondence to other relevant parties.

  • Distributing correspondence received by the clubs committee.

  • Maintaining the Policies and Procedure Manual.

  • Holding all current and historical club records.

  • Maintaining the club committee and club officials contact lists.

  • Retain an up to date copy of the club’s member list.

  • On behalf of the club liaise with appropriate parties and such relevant associations and Basketball Victoria and distribute any relevant information.

  • Liaising with coaches and team managers to ensure all administration requirements are completed and current.


The Treasurer is responsible for:

  • Ensuring the club remains financially viable through the effective and transparent management of club funds.

  • Maintaining the club financial records and producing accurate financial reports for the committee meetings.

  • Managing the club’s funds in accordance with the Policy and Procedure Manual.

  • Ensuring all income is banked and all payments are authorised.

  • Producing and monitoring the club budget for each season with input from committee.

  • Ensuring all registration fees, both club and association fees are paid by agreed dates.


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